Iyuhána Solar Project


Located in the Rural Municipality of Estevan in southeast Saskatchewan, the 100 MW AC Iyuhána Solar Project (the Project) will produce enough power for the equivalent of approximately 25,000 homes. This historic initiative is one of the largest groundmount utility-scale solar facility under development in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Iyuhána Solar, a partnership with Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure LLC (GSI) and Canadian Indigenous Peoples Ocean Man First Nation (OMFN), has been awarded an exclusive Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with SaskPower, to construct and operate the Project for 25 years.The name “Iyuhána” was specially selected because the name itself translates to –

‘Everyone’ or ‘All of us’

“This has to do with our Nakota philosophy that everything the Creator made in this Universe is related. The sun, the moon, and the stars. The sky, the earth, the rocks, the plants, the trees and the water. All the animals; the four-legged, the winged and the ones that swim. And of course the human beings; we complete the medicine wheel of red, black, yellow, and white. All of Creation is related, we all need each other to survive and therefore, we all have to look after each other. This is a significant project for GSI, Ocean Man First Nation and the Province of Saskatchewan. It will create employment, bring in revenue, and it will serve and provide power to many homes in Saskatchewan. It will take care of ‘EVERYONE’! ‘IYUHÁNA’!”


Project Details


Project Location & Site Plan

The 550-acre Project site will be located on SaskPower owned lands approximately 8 kilometers southwest of the City of Estevan. It is located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Range Road 2091 and Township Road 14. The Project will look to utilize approximately 200,000 Bi-Facial solar PV modules, 27 inverters, and 1 High Voltage transformers all enclosed in 12 kilometers of perimeter fencing.

Please download PDF here for the preliminary Site Plan. It is Iyuhána Solar’s goal to ensure that the RM of Estevan community will have opportunities to provide feedback and commentary regarding the Site Plan.

To utilize the interactive Site Plan, please click here.


Project Anticipated Timeline


Engagement and Consultation

Community connection and strong stakeholder relationships are at the forefront of the Iyuhána Project Team’s values and core beliefs.

Iyuhána Solar will provide quarterly newsletter updates during development and construction regarding project progress, key milestones, employment opportunities, opportunities for sharing concerns and details on upcoming public open houses, job fairs, community sessions and workshops. These newsletters will be posted on the Iyuhána Solar Project website and can be emailed and paper mailed out to stakeholders upon request.

We aspire to build strong and lasting relationships with all local stakeholders involved in this Project. As such, the Iyuhána Project Team will host a minimum of two public Open Houses to provide access to Project-related information, a chance to talk with the Project Team in-person, and the opportunity to influence the Project by providing input and feedback.

The Public Open Houses will be held locally in the Rural Municipality of Estevan. Details will be posted on the Project website once available and shared via the Project distribution list.

Community engagement is important to the Iyuhána Project Team. If you would like to receive Project updates via email or paper mail, please submit your contact information via this form. Iyuhána Solar is committed to protecting your privacy. Collected contact information will not be publicly shared.


Frequently Asked Questions

The document below provides a summary of common Project-related questions and their respective answers. As stakeholder engagement progresses, the FAQ document will continue to be updated. The FAQ document has been updated as of May 17th, 2024.


We’re Hiring!

If you are interested in a career with an established renewable energy company in an exciting growth industry, please view the postings below to see if there is a position that fits your skills and attributes. If there are no current openings, follow us on our social media platforms to ensure that you receive updates on upcoming job postings.

Iyuhána Solar is committed to hosting a minimum of two job fairs in the RM of Estevan to provide an opportunity to speak with our Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Team about the various roles and employment opportunities that will be created throughout the construction phase of this Project. Additionally, Iyuhána Solar is committed to continued engagement and consultation efforts with Ocean Man First Nation and local Indigenous communities to inform local members about employment opportunities and potential service contracts. If you are interested in being considered, please submit your contact information via this form. Iyuhána Solar will share the collected contact information with the Project’s selected EPC Team.


Media Release

To read GSI’s Media Release about the Project, click here or download PDF here.

To read SaskPower’s Media Release about the Project, download PDF here.


Contact Us

GSI has experience building and operating projects throughout North America, having developed approximately 388 MW DC of renewable energy projects. To learn more about GSI and our capabilities click here.

Iyuhána Solar Project Team

The Iyuhána Solar Project Team welcomes any questions or feedback related to the Iyuhána Solar Project. Please contact us via the email below:



To learn more about the SaskPower projects including the interconnection of the Iyuhána Solar Facility, visit Planning and Construction Projects (saskpower.com).  If you have inquiries, Contact Us (saskpower.com).