Chad Cichosz

Plant Manager

Give us a brief overview of your role.

I am the Plant Manager at L’Anse Warden Electric Company (LWEC) under GSI. I joined LWEC in 2008 as an assistant operator and was promoted throughout the years, leading me into the role of Plant Manager. I oversee every aspect of daily operations, which means I interact with everyone at LWEC to ensure efficiency and productivity for the plant.

What is the most memorable moment you have had working for GSI?

One of the most memorable moments was right after I was promoted to Plant Manager, we had our 12-year turbine major which I was responsible for coordinating. It was one of the biggest maintenance projects that we’ve done at LWEC since 2008.

What led you to pursue a career in the energy industry, and what are some of the key things you have learned since working in the renewable energy sector?

Opportunity was the main factor that led me down this path. I was living in the small town of L’Anse and an old power plant was converted to a biomass plant and the opportunity arose for me to join in an entry level position and work my way up from there. I didn’t have an energy background, so everything was new to me, and I learned a lot about the industry over the years. The main thing I’ve realized is how much regulation and government influence there is in the energy sector.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know.

I am a huge Celine Dion fan; I was fortunate to see her in concert twice! I love that she’s Canadian as well.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

Since I live in a small town, I keep very busy, and I wear many hats. I coach varsity baseball, middle school basketball, and summer baseball. I also volunteer at the Fire Department, and I’m a county commissioner. I spend as much time as possible enjoying the outdoors here in the Upper Peninsula. I enjoy hunting, fishing, playing baseball and softball, skiing, both on snow and on water, and just about anything else a person can do outside.


What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucket list?

I would love to travel all around Europe, but I especially want to attend the Wimbledon Championships in London.

Rapid Fire Favorites

  • Movie: For Love of the Game
  • Book: Any book by Vince Flynn
  • Musician: Celine Dion
  • Restaurant: Taco Bell
  • Food: Steak
  • Sports Team: Any Detroit teams (Lions, Tigers, Red Wings)
  • City: Nashville, Tennessee