Jan LaFave

Senior Accountant and Human Resources

Give us a brief overview of your role.

As Senior Accountant and Human Resources for L’Anse Warden Electric Company (LWEC) under GSI, I am responsible for the day-to-day accounting tasks. I also assist with the month end, and annual audits for GSI. Lastly, I work with anything HR related for LWEC, including payroll, benefits, and onboarding.

What is the most memorable moment you have had working for GSI?

Every year, LWEC gives out a scholarship to a local high school student who will be attending college in an engineering-related field or attending a trade school. It is always something that has been memorable for me. It is really gratifying when the student receives their scholarship, and you see them excited about their future and you feel like you are helping them to achieve their goals.

What led you to pursue a career in Accounting and Human Resources, and more specifically in the energy sector?

After college, I took some accounting courses on the side and then I did some accounting work as a civilian for the United States Air Force. After that, I moved away from where I was living, and this job opened up at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. I had enjoyed working in accounting and the classes I took so this gave me the opportunity to get back into it. LWEC is located in a very rural area, so jobs of this caliber aren’t exactly something you find every day. I just took the chance and went for it and that it was in the energy sector has been a bonus.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know.

Prior to working here, I taught middle school and high school math, and I was also a middle school basketball coach. I actually got to teach and coach three of my own children as part of that experience!

How do you spend your time outside of work?

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family. We have five kids which are all involved, so we’re attending sporting events both for our kids and others. We enjoy time at the lake and boating in the summer and we like to go snow shoeing in the winter. I also really enjoy reading when I can.

What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucket list?

One thing I’d like to cross off my bucket list is to tour Italy. I would like to spend a month or so there and tour the different parts of the country. My heritage is Italian, and one set of my grandparents came from Northern Italy and one set came from Sicily, so I’d love to spend some time in those two regions.

Rapid Fire Favorites

  • Movie: Pretty Woman
  • Musician: Garth Brooks
  • Restaurant (City): Bowdie’s Chophouse or Rose’s (East Grand Rapids)
  • Food: Any Italian Food – especially homemade Ravioli
  • Sports Team: Michigan Tech Hockey
  • City: Grand Rapids