John Manore

GIS Project Manager

Give us a brief overview of your role.

I am the GIS Project Manager, and a large part of my role is using GIS software and data to find land for new projects. I then pass on that information to the land and development teams so they can evaluate the land, begin landowner outreach, and decide if it would be a viable parcel to develop a project on. When searching for land, I look at many factors, including proximity and capacity of electrical infrastructure, and environmental factors such as the slope of the parcel, the presence of wetlands and other environmental conditions.

What is the most memorable moment you have had working for GSI?

I think my most memorable moment would be the company BBQ that we had in September. Since I started working at GSI in July, I was still fairly new to the team at that point. The BBQ was a really nice event to meet so many people in person for the first time. It was great to have everyone come together, meet each other’s families, eat good food, and play a lot of games.

What led you to pursue a career in Geographical Information System (GIS) project management, and more specifically in the renewables sector?

I’ve always had an interest in geography and maps as well as a passion for the environment and sustainability. So, when I was deciding on university programs, Geography and Environmental Management seemed like a good program for me. I didn’t really know much about GIS until I took several GIS courses in university and realized it was something I had a passion for. I was in the co-op program at the University of Waterloo, and I chose to do all GIS-focused work terms since GIS also seemed to be a good marketable skill. My first job after graduating was with Ducks Unlimited Canada which allowed me to pursue both of my passions of environmental conservation and GIS. GIS seemed to be a good career to meld those two worlds of geography and sustainability.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know.

I am a CASI certified snowboard instructor and have taught the fun and fundamentals of snowboarding to beginners of all ages. I grew up riding the icy slopes around Ottawa, and I always said to my students that if they could learn to ride well in sub-optimal conditions, they’d be set for life. I don’t teach much these days, but it was great to pass along my skills to the next generation of riders and earn some money to pay for university. I still try to get out on the slopes a few times a year when I can.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I love to golf when the weather is nice – which is not often with Ontario winters. I try to go golfing once a week either on my own or with some friends. I went on a golfing trip in Ireland with a couple of friends in May 2022, where we lived out of a car and tents, and played one or two rounds a day for 10 days straight. I’m a big runner too; I’ve been training for the past five or six months for Around the Bay, which is a 34km race in Hamilton at the end of March. In the summer, I like to go backcountry camping with some hiking, canoeing, and swimming, which provides a nice opportunity to unplug.


What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucket list?

I’d like to go camping in the southwestern United States. I’ve always wanted to go on a trip through Colorado, Utah, Monument Valley, that kind of thing. The Grand Canyon would probably be at the top of my list; I’ve heard such good things about it. The Grand Canyon is unique in that you’re starting at the top and hiking down into the Canyon as opposed to most hiking where you would be going upwards.

Rapid Fire Favorites

  • Movie: Casino Royale
  • Book: Red Rising by Pierce Brown
  • Musician: Zac Brown Band
  • Restaurant: Rapscallion & Co. (Hamilton, ON)
  • Food: Tacos
  • Sports Team: Ottawa Senators
  • City: Milos, Greece