Employee Highlight – Yasemin Celik

Yasemin Celik

Senior Accountant

Give us a brief overview of your role.

I became part of the GSI team a year and a half ago as a Senior Accountant. My role requires the timely and accurate input of information, which is presented to the management team to assist with strategic financial planning. I deal with many aspects of the business such as the financial statements, accounts payable, accounts receivable, employee expenses, and purchase orders. GSI’s philosophy of clean energy and sustainable living has changed the way I look at my job and made it much more meaningful.

What is the most memorable moment you have had working for GSI?

I live in Toronto, so I rarely go into the office, but every visit is a treasured memory for me. Among the many visits, the team-building event we organized last September is the most memorable. It gave me the opportunity to meet many colleagues with whom I had never crossed paths before. Together we worked on various projects, developed a strong sense of teamwork, and demonstrated the power of collective effort. It was a reminder of how joyful and enlightening it can be to embrace diversity, as it opens up new perspectives.

What led you to a career in finance and investment, and more specifically in the renewables sector?

Actually, accounting was not my first choice. I would have preferred to work in human or animal health, or any field related to nature, but life took such a path that I found myself in this field. I really liked the logic and order in accounting, and it was my favorite subject as a student. I decided to pursue an accounting career during my university days and through internships. Knowing that our work helps the world and future generations feel like an added bonus. Doing what you like and feeling spiritually fulfilled is the best feeling ever, isn’t it?

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know.

I enjoy working with my hands, whether it’s embroidering, knitting, or getting into the soil while gardening. When spring arrives, my friend Maria and I organize her garden. We plant flowers and vegetables together, and in the fall, we tidy up the garden, which for me is a relaxing and enjoyable meditative activity. Being in nature, feeling the earth with my bare hands and feet, gives me a unique and special joy.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I live in downtown Toronto where there’s always something to do or an event to go to nearby. I enjoy exploring new places and trying different foods with friends, but I also like spending time alone at home. It’s great to go to different worlds with books or learn about a new topic, watch a good movie, meditate, or sometimes just listen to yourself in silence.

What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucket list?

I want to travel the world. I am very interested in exploring different cultures, beliefs, lifestyles, and various natural wonders. Every new thing I learn and every experience I have changes me, helps me grow, and broadens my perspective on life. When we combine the knowledge we gain from our hometown with the different perspectives of other places, a whole new view emerges. This is why I love Toronto; it is easy to find people from all nationalities and cultures here.

What is a personal accomplishment that you are proud of?

I came to Canada without speaking English or knowing anyone and started a new life on my own. I can’t say it was easy, but it has truly helped me to grow and develop immensely. When I reflect on my journey over the last 6.5 years, I feel a sense of accomplishment in how far I have come.

Rapid Fire Favorites

  • Movie: Avatar
  • Musician: Sezen Aksu and Passenger
  • Restaurant: my friend Maria’s home 😊
  • Food: Homemade pasta and homemade pizza
  • City: Barcelona, Spain